Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Bottles and Baths

Both the grandmas were able to get a chance to feed Lance. He takes the bottle just fine, which is nice for me if I have to be away from him for more than 2 hours! He doesn't care - he just wants his milk! :)

Enjoying his bath just kicking and hanging out. He LOVES bath time now!

Bonfire #2

We had a great time out by the bonfire roasting hot dogs and marshmallows for S'mores!! :) It was a beautiful night and the kids seemed to enjoy it - well, Grace did anyway!

Enjoying a hotdog by the fire with Grandma Malin.

Lance wasn't so sure about it after a while - "Hey, why don't I get to eat, too?!!"

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Bonfire #1

Poor Lance! He already has a bald spot!! The hair is really trying to grow back in, but it just can't do it on the spot where he lays down! :)

We had a bonfire with the grandmas when they came to visit. It really wasn't cold, I was just being paranoid since the ear infection drama we had!

Lance is being a typical guy - staring at the fire!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Making cupcakes

Grace and Nana made Halloween cupcakes together when Grandma Malin and Nana Port came to visit last weekend. We had a great time together. Grace especially enjoyed licking the beaters! Great job, girls! :)

Bottle and Bumbo

Grace and Daddy got to feed Lance a bottle. He was a little confused while drinking my milk, yet watching me take a picture! It was pretty funny. Of course Grace and daddy both have their Raiders shirts on as they cheer for them during the game.

Still confused, but I certainly won't refuse any food!! :)

Trying out the Bumbo for the first time! He especially likes it when we're eating dinner and he can be right at the table with us! He just turned 3 months on Mon. and is weighing in at 14 lbs. 5 oz and 26 in. long!! He's a BIG boy! :) I think Grace weighed about 12 lbs. at 4 months. Pretty crazy the difference! At least they're each taking after the appropriate parent.

Happy Baby! :) Thanks for the adorable outfit, Weidners!!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Bob Evans Farm Festival

Josh took Grace and Lance to do some fun things while I was working the pumpkin booth at the Bob Evans Farm Festival. These are the only pictures he took (of course none of Lance!) :) I feel like I missed out on it this year since I was working the whole time. Oh well! Grace had fun doing the haybale maze.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

J.A.W.L. pumpkin painting

Sooooo, for Junior Alturian our biggest fund raiser is painting pumpkins and selling them at the Bob Evans Farm Festival. Each person is in charge of painting 9 large pumpkins, 15 medium, and 30 small. Wow! We get assigned certain characters of themes to paint. Mine were Backyardigans and Cookie Monster. We got a little attached to the pumpkins at our house so I had to take pictures of them. Grace didn't want me to sell Uniqua (the pink one). :) I told her I would paint a pumpkin of whatever she wanted. So we'll take a picture of that, too.

It was a lot of fun, but a lot of work, too. I had fun working at the festival as well. Anyway, I just wanted to share what I've been working on the last couple of weeks.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Pumpkin Farm #2

Grace had fun picking pumpkins in the 95 degree weather - Ha! As you can see, she's a little out of it.

Josh is thinking "Take the dumb picture, I'm sweating to death and want to go home."

The pumpkin farm! :)

Friday, October 12, 2007

Pumpkin Farm #1

We went to the pumpkin farm last weekend and it was 95 degrees!! We could barely stand it as we were all sweating to death (including me!!). So, if Grace looks a little out of it, well, she was! She wanted to play on the slide, etc., but after one time down, it was just too hot. So I took a few pictures, we picked our pumpkins, and headed home.

Grace is the "Silver Queen" corn and Lance is the Indian corn.

She did enjoy the hay maze, but again, just too hot to do it more than once. Very strange weather for Oct. Of course this week it's been in the 60's and 70's, much more like fall!

Raider Nation!

"Real Kids Wear Black" - thanks for the Raiders shirt, Uncle Andy! I thought his "Wide Receiver" shirt was appropriate for this post as well! Josh is sure we have a football player! Ha!

Sibling Love

BIG NEWS!! Lance rolled over for the first time from his back to his belly on Oct. 8, 2007!! Very exciting! :) The even better thing, was that it was in the evening when Josh was home so we all got to see it! :) Lance wasn't very happy about being on his belly, but we were all pretty excited. In Josh's words - "He's gonna be a linebacker!" Hmmmm.....

So sweet.... Grace is always kissing and loving on him.

Brother and Sister

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Malin family weekend #4

Ben and Jill were the last to leave :( One last picture before we say good-bye!!

So we have/had a vine hanging in our front yard from one of our trees. Well, Josh H. was swinging on it (which we've done many times in the past) and it broke when he was pretty high up in the air! He's fine, probably a little sore now, though. At least we got in some good swings before it happened. As you can see (knowing Josh is 6'5"), he got really high!! Grace enjoyed a little swinging herself!

The girls!

Josh and Lance got in a good shot.