We had some invites from people to come spend Christmas day with them since we didn't have family around - we were overwhelmed with how sweet and generous everyone was. We ended up going to Dina's parent's house in downtown Sydney around noon after opening presents, etc. Christmas morning. Dina also works for General Mills and is Australian. When in college, she decided to study abroad at Iowa State and ended up marrying a guy from Iowa!! Anyway, they live here in Australia now and have two daughters, about Grace and Lance's ages. We've been to her parent's home once before, so the kids had already met! It was so much fun to be a part of a true Australian family's traditions. Thank you again for letting us be a part of your day!

wearing their crowns for dinner! Too funny!

Trying to open one of the poppers!!

Our meal consisted of different types of cold cut meats that Dina's mom had made/roasted the day before and lots of different salads - it was DELICIOUS!

Another tradition is the Christmas pudding - I'll explain more about that in another post. The "pudding" is hanging from the ceiling on the right.

They have several Christmas traditions in Australia. One tradition is everyone has a "Christmas Popper" at their place at the table. You're supposed to pull one end while another person pulls the other end (kind of like a wish bone) and it makes a "pop" when it's opened. Whoever gets the bigger half "wins" what's inside that popper. You keep trying until you "win" one! Inside are different little "gifts", sometimes an ornament, a joke or riddle, and a crown. Everyone is supposed to wear their crowns during the dinner. It was a lot of fun!