So we got off the Skyway and saw a great overlook where we could get some family pictures! As we were taking these pictures, we had an experience that gave us a new perspective of other cultures. Apparently, blond hair is normal to us, but not to everyone.....some Asian tourists started taking pictures of Erin and Vera. They then proceeded to take pictures of each other posing with Erin and Vera! Initially, Scott is standing off to the side with Solon, watching, but they then wave him into the picture, too!! (They weren't really interested in Scott, but he was holding Solon!) It was like they were famous or something! I have NEVER laughed so hard in my entire life! Scott and Erin had mentioned when they got back from Cairns that it was like this CONSTANTLY while in Cairns.....I'm so glad I got to witness if for myself - PRICELESS! As you can see, I made sure Josh caught it on film - to prove that it really did happen!
The best part of this picture, is how my kids have their backs to the entire situation and are completely ignoring what's going on behind them. At first, they were all just taking pictures of Erin and Vera.
Now, they're standing next to Erin and Vera posing with them, as Scott watches!
Finally, they have Scott and Solon join in! Hilarious!!!