Friday, September 6, 2013

Sydney Running Festival

Last year General Mills had a team they put together to do the run/walk in the Sydney Running Festival, so we decided to do it!  It was so much fun!  Josh ran the 9K and Grace, Lance, and myself did the family walk/run.  It was a gorgeous day and so much fun to be able to enjoy the city we live in!
 Riding the train into the city- it was VERY early!!
 Getting ready to start with the Harbour Bridge behind us

 We went with some other GM friends - they have two girls Grace and Lance's ages.  This is how they started out the race, holding hands - too cute!!  Notice the Betty Crocker and Old El Paso on their shirts! ;)
 walking across the Harbour Bridge - they shut down the road just for this race for the morning - so cool!

 stopping for a pic with an awesome view

 We finished!!  Nathan in the back is from Nebraska and married Dina (Australian) who works at GM. His mom to his right was visiting from America and walked with us.  Dina was running the race with Josh.  Michelle on the far right, works at GM, and is the sister of one of my good friends here.  She was pregnant with twins.  Looking forward to doing it again next year!
 lots of entertainment for the kids while we waited for Josh and Dina to finish
 Posing with the Sydney Time's Kangaroo
 picture with Kurt Fearnley - he is an Australian paralympic gold medalist and has also won many world championships!
Lance "biting" his medal like the Olympians! ha!

Year 3 Camp!

This was a big one for mommy!!!!  It was her first overnight camp - EVER!!  Grace was so excited for Year 3 Camp, she was counting down the days!  Lance actually had a rough time with it.  He really acted out that night.  He really missed Grace.  It was kind of sad.  Anyway, she had a WONDERFUL time and we were all very excited to pick all our kids up the next day!  Success!
 waiting to get on the bus
 boarding the bus - ready to go!
waving good-bye with her friends