A couple Saturdays ago, we were invited to go and visit the house of someone that Josh works with. His name is David and he is actually the "old" plant manager at the GM plant in Sydney. He and his family are moving to Melbourne in January. They live in the Blue Mountains, so this was our first time to head over in that direction! They live on 5 acres and everyone in their neighborhood has about that much land. We were not in the city anymore!! We started out at their house and had a fabulous BBQ outside. They have two dogs, a cat, horses, chickens, and ducks, so the kids had a great time!! David's son, Ben, who's 13, is really into motorbikes, so we went to an open area (the oval) in their neighborhood where Ben gave Grace and Lance some rides on his motorbike - they had a great time! After Grace's first ride, she says to me "He could've gone a LITTLE faster!" Oh MY!!! He was really great with the kids. After our walk, David and his wife, Jane, knew of an area where you might be able to see wild kangaroos! They usually tend to come out around late afternoon/evening when the day starts getting a little cooler. They knew we would LOVE that!! So we drove over to that area and started walking around. Right away we saw about 5 of them walking around - it was AMAZING!!! There's just something about seeing them in the wild and not in a zoo! As you can imagine, I was DYING!! We took some pictures and I will try to see if I can download the video I took. What an amazing memory! They're super tame and people don't seem to bother them at all. It was really special. Thanks David, Jane, and Ben for an amazing day!!

There's one hopping down the road.


I got a close-up

Here you can see about how close we got.

There were some campers around and they came right on up - it's like seeing a deer, but WAY cooler!!!