So this post is actually a continuation of the previous kangaroo post. These pictures are from that same day that we saw the wild kangaroos, but were on my phone, and I just now got around to loading them onto our computer! Needless to say, I'm WAY behind on the blog!! I have A LOT to catch up on! Anyway, they're wearing the same outfits as our Christmas card, because we also took those photos on the beach that day before heading out to the Blue Mountains to David and Jane's house. Besides seeing the wild kangaroos, David and Jane's son, Ben, gave the kids a little ride on his motorbike. It looks really SCARY in the pictures, but let me to tell you, he went VERY slow and was super awesome with them! Even if they would've fallen off (which they wouldn't have), they wouldn't have gotten hurt. You know me, I'm ultra protective anyway, so you can imagine it was fine.

The kids enjoyed feeding the ducks in their yard

Lance holding on for dear life! Hilarious!! He wasn't sure he wanted to do it until Grace did (she couldn't wait to get on and even said after her first ride that he could've gone faster - oh my!)

Grace is ready to go!

Thanks Ben! That was very sweet of you! This is the "oval" they rode around in.
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