ready to get in

waiting for her turn!

Grace is in line behind the girl in the pink shorts, she moved just as I took the picture!

Before the service

The night before we left for America, Grace was baptized at our "Friday night live" service! It was sooooooo amazing and super emotional for mommy and daddy!! Before I talk about that, I wanted to share that we have found our church home here in Australia! After visiting a few churches, we actually felt the best fit for our family and the most welcomed was at Hillsong church. Some of you may have heard of Hillsong Church, as it is somewhat "famous". We actually owned some of their CD's in America, so were a little familiar with it. It is a HUGE church/church body, which actually intimidated us a little at first, but we kept feeling drawn to attend and keep checking it out. The more weeks we continue to go to this church, the more we love it!! It really is an amazing church despite the size of it, I have met more people quickly and have NEVER felt like a "number" here - even on the first day we attended. I can't get over how everyone is so attentive to us and making us feel like a part of this church home. I've never seen anything like it! We love to go Sunday mornings and to the Sunday night live services. Lance and I also attend Thurs. mornings for Sisterhood. It's like a huge "Bible study" for women and Lance goes to his classroom during that time. It's so amazing and I'm learning so much.
On the Friday before we left, they actually had a special week where they moved Sunday night live to Friday night, which worked out perfect for us, since we wouldn't have been able to attend on Sunday night. Grace had talked about getting baptized a little in Ohio, but we wanted to make sure she really understood what it meant. We didn't want it to be the "church's idea" or something that just sounded neat to do. It came up again when we were in Australia. They talked about it in her Sunday school and she kept telling us she wanted to be baptized. We talked with her about it and it was clear that she knew and understood what it meant. As a parent, that is a VERY exciting thing when your child makes the decision for themselves to show it publicly that they want to live for Jesus Christ. Grace had already asked Jesus into her heart when she was 6, so this is just another exciting part of her walk with God! We can't wait until Lance makes this decision for himself as well. The pictures are a little blurry, mainly because I was sobbing and had to hold the camera up high so I could catch this exciting moment!!
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