Friday, August 16, 2013

Ski Trip

Last year, in September, we drove to the Snowy Mountains for a quick little ski trip!  We have some friends here that asked us to join them for a little holiday!  We are so glad we said yes!!  What fun!  We actually didn't even know you could ski in Australia when we first moved here!!  They have friends with a house right on the ski resort, so a bunch of us shared it.  It was amazing!!  Can't ask for anything better than to be able to basically walk out your door and practically jump right onto the ski lifts - Ha! We arrived the first day later in the afternoon and got settled - rented our ski gear, unloaded the car, and with a little extra time to spare we did some sledding just before dinner!

 Our first glimpse of the snow in Australia as we drove to the mountains
 Smiggin Holes in Perisher is where we stayed
 someone made a little igloo, so we decided to take a picture in it!
 standing just outside the house we stayed in
 Josh and the kids with the house in the background
 ready for some sledding!

Our room - the kids each had a top bunk, and yes, Josh and I slept in the double bottom bunk under Grace - nice and cozy! ;)

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