Had to wear the life jackets! :)

On the boat, starting to head out to sea!!

We were being "touristy" as we waited for our boat. Down at Circular Quay there are always street performers and aboriginals playing the didjeridoo, etc. We thought it would be fun to get a picture - ha! Lance didn't think it was so much fun, hence the reason I'm in it with him!!

Last Sat. we decided to go on a whale watching tour in Sydney. We took a boat about 4 miles out to sea and saw a total of 3 whales that day! Most of the day the whales were doing their normal little shallow dives up where they blow the water out of their blowholes and we'd see the occasional tail flip up. It was really neat to see the whales in the wild. At the very end, the guide said, "ok, we're going to stay for one more appearance, (the whale has to come back up at some point to get some air) and then we have to head back to shore." So we watched and waited for it to come back up, and after about 5 min the whale flew STRAIGHT up, whole body out of the water, and came down with a HUGE splash!!!! It was amazing!!! It's like what you see on T.V. - I've never seen anything like it before! It was so neat, that you think "Did I really just see that??" The kids thought it was awesome and after it had gone back down I turned and asked Josh if he "got it on camera" and he DID! YEAH!!! So we get to post if for all of you to see! Of course, it's not the same as in real life, but you can at least see what I mean. It's like the whale knew it was the finale! All in all it was a fun day on the water, and the kids enjoyed the boat ride and the whales.
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