As you know, we attend Hillsong church here in Sydney. We were familiar with Hillsong (as many of you are as well) before we came to Australia and owned some of their CD's. We've always loved their music!! Well, they have a new album coming out titled "Together as One" and we got to be a part of the Live Recording last Sunday night!!! It was held at Sydney Olympic Park and there were over 11,o00 people there!!! It was free and open to the public. They had amazing kids programs while the concert was going on, so Josh and I didn't have to worry about it being too long for the kids! Everyone was happy!!! They had a coloring contest for the younger ones and Lance brought his picture in and was one of the winners!!! He was SOOO excited!! It was truly an amazing experience with hearing that many people all singing and worshiping together. Our pastor had a message in the middle, so it was kind of like a normal service, only a lot bigger and with more singing! They only had to redo 3 of the songs (which we didn't mind) ;)

Singing one of their songs that always gets the crowd going - it's a good one!!

These were our seats - not too shabby! It was a circle stage and seating all around. Before it started.
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