Thursday, February 14, 2008

February 2008

Here are some random pictures from this month so far. We had 70 degree weather one day, and a week later snow was covering the ground and it was freezing!! Anyway, the kids are a little sick right now, but we're hoping to get that cleared up before our trip to Phoenix! No more colds!

Jumping rope in 70 degrees!

Grace loves feeding Lance, but after a couple bites, she says it stinks and it makes her gag. Ha!! Too funny.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Grandpa and Grandma visit

A couple weeks ago Josh's parents came to visit over the weekend to see the kiddos - oh, and us, too! :)

Lance is really enjoying his food!!

The two crazies hanging out by the bonfire - it was too cold for the rest of us!

Nana and Grandma visit

Grandma and Nana came to visit in mid January for a long weekend. We had a great time just hanging out.

Trying to get a good photo of the four of them! Always tough with two kids.

Grace's beautiful painting. She made one for the grandmas to take home with them as well!

Everyone loves getting a chance to feed Lance and he'll take it!

Happy baby!!

January days

King Lance has arrived! He's a good sport......NOW! We'll see how he does with letting Grace dress him up in a few years.

Daddy's a good sport, too! Grace is putting "make up" on him - check out Lance in the background! Ha!

Look at my little STUD MUFFIN!!