Saturday, June 16, 2012

Photo Shoot!

So we got off the Skyway and saw a great overlook where we could get some family pictures!  As we were taking these pictures, we had an experience that gave us a new perspective of other cultures.  Apparently, blond hair is normal to us, but not to everyone.....some Asian tourists started taking pictures of Erin and Vera.  They then proceeded to take pictures of each other posing with Erin and Vera!  Initially, Scott is standing off to the side with Solon, watching, but they then wave him into the picture, too!! (They weren't really interested in Scott, but he was holding Solon!)  It was like they were famous or something!  I have NEVER laughed so hard in my entire life!  Scott and Erin had mentioned when they got back from Cairns that it was like this CONSTANTLY while in Cairns.....I'm so glad I got to witness if for myself - PRICELESS!  As you can see, I made sure Josh caught it on film - to prove that it really did happen!  

 The best part of this picture, is how my kids have their backs to the entire situation and are completely ignoring what's going on behind them.  At first, they were all just taking pictures of Erin and Vera.
 Now, they're standing next to Erin and Vera posing with them, as Scott watches!
Finally, they have Scott and Solon join in!  Hilarious!!!

Day 6 - A Day in the Blue Mountains

Yes, I know it appears that I skipped 4 days, but they were in Cairns during that time, so it's Day 6 for the Ports!  They arrived back in Sydney on Friday just in time for dinner!  They were pretty exhausted, so we hung out and went to bed.  Saturday we got up and headed for the Blue Mountains.  This was actually our first time there as well.  We went with Josh's parents, but by the time we got up there, it was such a foggy, rainy, miserable day that we decided to have lunch in Katoomba and head back home.  This day was much better, but it was an unusually rainy, cool summer this year, that we even got some rain on this day, too!  We started off with the Skyway, which gives you a great view of the mountains and the "Three Sisters".  It was beautiful.

 Riding the Skyway - the kids loved it!
 the views we had
A view of the "Three Sisters" (as you can see, it started raining as we were heading back for lunch!)

Day 2 - They're leaving us ALREADY???!!!!

We got up, took Grace to school, and then watched Lance at swimming lessons before taking them to the airport - already?!!!!  They flew to Cairns to enjoy a different part of Australia and see the Great Barrier Reef - you gotta do it!!  We missed them so much, knowing they were here in Australia was weird, but looked forward to their return again!
 Enjoying some cousin lovin' before they head off to Cairns!

Lance is ready for swim lessons!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 1 - Arriving in Australia

We fed them, let them take showers, and hung out together until we had to go pick up Grace at school. It was fun showing them where the kids go to school and where their classrooms were.  Grace was really excited to see everyone greeting her at school as well!  After that, we went and got a few groceries, to show them where we shop, and then went home to have an early dinner.  We were hoping they would be able to stay up until 7:00 or so, but they were up until at least 10:00 (if I remember correctly!!)  IMPRESSIVE!!!
 Lance and Solon in front of Lance's classroom
 In front of Grace's classroom
 walking back to the car - so cute!
 We got a group picture in front of the school sign
Grace loved playing with Vera and making her laugh!

The Port's come to Australia!!!

Our 2nd round of visitors arrived Mon., Feb. 6, 2012!!  We were SOOOOO excited to have my brother Scott, Erin, Solon, and Vera come all the way to Australia to visit us!!!  We had such an amazing time with them and the two weeks absolutely flew!  The kids were such troopers and did great on the insanely long plane ride here!  They arrived in the morning, so Solon had a little time to play with Lance before we went to pick up Grace at school.
 Solon and Lance playing in the playhouse outside
Vera getting to know her new koala!

Lance's first day of PREP

Lance's first day of PREP (Preschool) was Feb. 1, 2012.  He was SOOOOO excited to go to school like his big sister!  So proud! ;)  He absolutely could NOT wait for school to start!  He goes all day Wed, Thurs., and Fridays.  His teacher is Mrs. Merwe (pronounced "Merver") and we LOVE her.  The unfortunate thing is we just found out that her and her husband are moving up to Queensland in July to help start/pastor a new church, so Lance will be getting a new teacher for Terms 3 and 4.  We're going to miss her, but she's done a great job at "prepping" the kids and telling them how "nice" their new teacher is going to be!  That's what we keep hearing from Lance anyway!! ;)  Lance has lots of friends and is very eager to learn new things.
 He's wearing his summer uniform here, but in Terms 2 and 3 he wears the winter uniform (exact same shirt, only long sleeves, and green wind pants).

 The backpack looks a lot bigger in this picture than it really is!!

 Outside his classroom door
 with his teacher, Mrs. Merwe
 His symbol is the lobster and this is where he hangs his hat and towel to dry his hands after washing them.
 His cubby with the lobster symbol and the Angry Birds pillow
listening intently!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Grace's first day of 3rd Grade

Grace's first day of 3rd grade was January 31st.  I thought, since I do my blog chronologically, that I should probably get these pictures up since we're actually almost halfway through the year now! Oops! Anyway, she's having a great year and we LOVE her teacher, Mrs. Stewart!

 This is her "summer uniform" that she has to wear in Term 1 (Feb. - April) and Term 4 (Oct. - Dec.)  Her winter uniform (which she's wearing right now) is in Term 2 and 3.
 Lance getting in on the action - doing a silly pose!
 So we head off to school and all the kids sit in the "oval".  Mrs. Cadwallader (head of Junior school) then introduces the teachers (K - 4) individually and reads the list of kids that are in that particular teacher's class.  That teacher then takes those kids off to their new classroom and that's how you find out who your teacher is - on the first day of school!!!  It was VERY different from what I'm used to, but seems to work for them!  All the parents stand around and wait to hear who their child's teacher is.  Mrs. Cadwallader is the one in blue standing on the stairs.

Mrs. Stewart is right in front of Grace in this picture.  They just found out and are all gathering around her.  Off they go!