Sunday, August 11, 2013

Book Week at School

Every year in August they celebrate Book Week here and do a lot of fun activities throughout the week.  They only dress up as a favorite book character every other year, though, so this year there won't be any dressing up.  Last year, Grace dressed up as the Queen of Hearts from the book Alice in Wonderland and Lance dressed up as Prince Caspian from the book series Chronicles of Narnia (previous Halloween costumes sure came in handy for us!)  They had a blast that day and it was fun seeing every body else's costumes as well!

 Grace with some of her friends: Tayla was EJ 12 and Tavania was Little Red Riding Hood
 Lance with some of his friends: Peter was Tin Tin, Oregon was from Cars, and Jesse was Batman
 The head of Junior School, Mrs. Cadwallader, was Fancy Nancy!  Fun to see the staff dressing up, too!
 Mr. Cousins was the Cat in the Hat (her Year 4 teacher this year!)
 Her teacher from last year, Mrs. Stewart, was Little Red Riding Hoods grandma (paired up with one of the kids in Grace's class!)
 Snow White (Year 3 teacher) called out Grace's costume on stage!  Check out the White Witch from the Chronicles of Narnia! (Lilli)
All the Prep kids showing off their costumes.  Cute!

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