Thursday, September 13, 2012

Andrea - Featherdale

Her final day with us, Grace had to go to school.  We dropped her off, and Lance, Andrea, and myself all headed off to Featherdale!  A MUST see (as you know from all my blogs and the 500 times that we've been)!  But we love it! :)  We jam packed a lot into the 3 full days that she stayed with us, but hopefully it was all worth it!
 Lance and his wallaby buddy

 feeding the wallaby's and kangaroos

 This picture is actually hilarious because we are all a little afraid of the emu!  Watch out - he'll come up behind you and SNATCH the food away from you AND the kangaroos when you're feeding them!
 Bear with me....I got a few cute ones of the koalas, so had to post.  I can't get enough of them - they are just SO CUTE!
 Bright eyed! - you don't see that very often
 mama and baby

they're just so precious and fun to watch!

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