Sunday, September 23, 2012

Blue Mountain Hiking Day

Back in March, we decided on a Saturday, to head up to the Blue Mountains and hike near the Wentworth Falls area.  It was a gorgeous day and a beautiful hike.  The kids LOVED it!  We saw beautiful views of the mountains and rainforest areas with waterfalls.  We were all exhausted by the end of the day!
 ready for our hike!

 I was able to capture the rainbow in the waterfall

 Grace taking a picture of us by a cave
 the trail was fun with lots of stairs, bridges, etc.

 we ran across some people abseiling down a huge waterfall - looked like fun, but not for me! ;)

 Yup - came across this huge snake!!!  Not sure if it was one of the poisonous ones or not....didn't stay around long enough to find out!  He was sunbathing on this rock, yet quite alert - YIKES!!

 This droplets were so pretty falling down on us (I'm looking straight up) behind a waterfall where we walked - they looked like diamonds in the sunlight the way the sun was shining on them - so pretty!
 we walked across this little bridge to a picnic table off the beaten path for some afternoon "tea"! ;)

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